When I was creating a WordPress theme for my client I needed to get dropdown of Navigation menus in customize so user can choose a menu. I wrote a function for that which really worked well. You can use it if you need it. Add it these below codes in your themes function.php file. It creates the dropdown. /** * Dropdown Menu List for customizer */ if ( !function_exists( 'your_theme_customizer_menulist' ) ) { // Function function your_theme_customizer_menulist() { $menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); $menu_list['none'] = esc_html__(' — Choose Menu — ', 'your-theme'); foreach ($menus as $menu) { $menu_list[$menu->slug] = $menu->name; } return $menu_list; } } Explanation of the above code: Set a variable $menu to get all available menus, then set an another variable $menu_list to store the dropdown value. Now do a foreach loop to exact the menus into drowdown options. Add the below code in function.php to create setting in…    read more